It education is a right that must guarantee it to all them young. The new 2030 sustainable development Agenda has as one of its objectives "ensure an inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". Them countries of America Latin and the Caribbean are part of the 193 that is committed with this agenda global, by what is time of that each one start to work in actions to achieve the goal.
The Regional Office of education for Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) and its technical secretariat in charge of Fundación Chile, launched the initiative "Tell them what you want to learn," dedicated to consult young people aged between 15 and 25 years of age who live in the region in order that their views are taken into account for the elaboration of educational policies to be developed in the future.
The initiative also has the support of the Latin American network of educational portals (RELPE), education international (EI – to the), the Latin American campaign for the right to education (CLADE), the Social solidarity Mercosur program, the Latin-American network for education (REDUCA), Teach for All (TFA) and the World Association of community radio broadcasters (AMARC).
The consultation is available at and through it young people can express their ideas on which topics interest them and ways that want to learn them. UNESCO will provide the data obtained through this initiative to those responsible for the areas of education in the States to be the orientation of the new models of education in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Answer the survey here:
See also:
Ibero-American Youth Pact
13th Regional Conference on women of Latin America and the Caribbean
ECLAC: Sexual harassment in areas educational and labour remains invisible *