Economic Outlook for Latin America 2017. Youth, skills and entrepreneurship *

The Organization for the development and cooperation economic presented the report perspectives economic of America Latin 2017, that deals with the theme of the youth, their skills and opportunities of entrepreneurship in the region, as well as the panorama economic for the year 2017.

Economic projections confirm the heterogeneity that characterizes the region, with very different expected growth rates between countries. Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean have a more hopeful Outlook for their links with the United States economy. By its part, them countries exporters of materials raw of South America will continue to being them more affected by them conditions economic global and by the fall of the prices International of them materials raw.



The population of young people in Latin America and the Caribbean of aged between 15 and 29 years amounts to more than 163 million, which represents a demographic opportunity to continue driving growth inclusive in the region, likely to be a source of inner growth and development for the future. However, a fifth of young people working in informal employment and another fifth part works or studies or is it training.

At the age of 15 years, nearly 70% of young people from poor households is pursuing studies, while at the age of 29, three out of ten are ninis, four others working in the informal sector, only two working in the formal sector and one a student worker or student.



This is aggravated even more when the currency global of the century XXI are them competencies and skills. Latin America is the region of the world with the largest gap between the skills demanded by the private sector and those provided by workers. It is fundamental to focus its efforts on strengthening education systems and training throughout life, to provide young people for more and better skills that allow them to develop a greater capacity for adapting to change and a better insertion and labor mobility.

Young entrepreneurship is one of the main routes to improve the employability and social mobility among young people in Latin America. As in OECD countries, the young people of the region show great creative ability, management groups and projects, taking risks and working in pursuit of specific objectives. It is necessary to strengthen the young entrepreneurship through the reduction of regulatory barriers, as well as the design of specific financial instruments for entrepreneurs, looking for ways to link them with commercial networks and training within the work programmes.


Read the report:

Download the report perspectives economic de America Latina 2017 in PDF

* Published in [diciembre 18, 2016]


See also:

Unemployment more attacking young women in Latin America: UN *
#DilesQuéQuieresAprender, the survey of UNESCO that profiled "education of the future"
Create forum of countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on sustainable development *